Forest whitaker filme & fernsehsendungen

Tudo sobre o filme Floresta Maldita (The Forest). Sinopse, trailers, fotos, notícias, curiosidades, cinemas, horários, e muito mais sobre o filme Floresta Maldita.

Forest Whitaker hot photos, hot pictures, news, videos, movies, songs, lyrics, music albums, filmography, discography, biography and many more!

Star Wars Rogue One Género: Ciência ficção Dirigida por: Gareth Edwards Atores principais: Riz Ahmed, Diego Luna, Felicity Jones, Jiang Wen, Donnie Yen, Forest Whitaker, Ben …

Atores principais: Jonathan Bennett, Mario Van Peebles, Talulah Riley, Tim Daly, Cody Christian, Giles Matthey, Rosa Salazar, Denzel Whitaker, Caleb Hunt, Willa Ford Data de lançamento: 27 Novembro 2015 Whitaker was born in Torrance, California, the son of Younalanda and Dale Whitaker. He was named after actor Denzel Washington. He disputed this fact on The Oprah Winfrey Show while promoting the movie The Great Debaters, only to learn later from his father that, in fact, Washington was his namesake. Forest Whitaker on "Criminal Minds" Spinoff. From "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" to his Academy Award-winning turn in "The Last King of Scotland," Forest Whitaker has been lighting up the big 10/01/2012 · Forest Steven Whitaker has a net worth of $15 million, the source of his income being his successful stint in the field of acting, direction and production. Whitaker, a successful American actor, producer and director, that has won many accolades for his performances. Tags. Forest Whitaker hot photos, hot pictures, news, videos, movies, songs, lyrics, music albums, filmography, discography, biography and many more! Tudo sobre o filme Floresta Maldita (The Forest). Sinopse, trailers, fotos, notícias, curiosidades, cinemas, horários, e muito mais sobre o filme Floresta Maldita.

Alle Filme, in denen Forest Whitaker mitspielt: Fox, Warner, Scotia, UIP, Buena Vista, Arthaus, Fox, Columbia, Fox, Fox, Sony Pictures, Fox, Fox, Splendid,  Bom de mais, ótimas atuações. Está incrível me "O Ultimo rei da Escócia" tanto que lhe rendeu o Oscar merecidamente, tbm gostei da atuação no filme "Detenção", aliás, ele combina muito 100 rows · Entdecke alle Serien und Filme von Forest Whitaker. Von den Anfängen seiner Karriere bis … Forest Steven Whitaker III was born on July 15, 1961, in Longview, Texas, the son of Laura Francis (née Smith), a special education teacher who put herself through college and earned two master's degrees while raising her children, and Forest Steven Whitaker Jr., an insurance salesman. Confira o melhor da filmografia de Forest Whitaker. Está incrível me "O Ultimo rei da Escócia" tanto que lhe rendeu o Oscar merecidamente, tbm gostei da atuação no filme "Detenção", Forest Steven Whitaker é um ator, produtor e diretor de cinema estadunidense, célebre pelo intenso de trabalho de estudo dos personagem que fez em filmes como Bird e Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai, e por seu papel recorrente como o ex-tenente da polícia de Los Angeles Jon Kavanaugh na premiada série de televisão policial The Shield.

Looking for more information on Forest Whitaker. Check out the below links, may contain affiliate links. Across the Web . Forest Whitaker Movies on Amazon ; Official Contact Information Forest Whitaker's eye. 1.8K likes. This is a fan page devoted to Forest Whitaker's eye and its awesome acting. Forest Whitaker is one of Hollywood's most accomplished actors/directors/producers who has showcased his talents in a multitude of demanding and diverse roles. Winning the Academy Award this year for Best Actor for his performance as Uganda dictator Idi Amin in The Last King of Scotland, Whitaker also received the Golden Globe, SAG and BAFTA Awards as Best Actor. Forest Whitaker Saturday, 15th July 1961 Longview, TX USA. Fast Times at Ridgemont High Charles Jefferson: 1982: Tag: The Assassination Game Atores principais: Jonathan Bennett, Mario Van Peebles, Talulah Riley, Tim Daly, Cody Christian, Giles Matthey, Rosa Salazar, Denzel Whitaker, Caleb Hunt, Willa Ford Data de lançamento: 27 Novembro 2015 Whitaker was born in Torrance, California, the son of Younalanda and Dale Whitaker. He was named after actor Denzel Washington. He disputed this fact on The Oprah Winfrey Show while promoting the movie The Great Debaters, only to learn later from his father that, in fact, Washington was his namesake.

Forest Whitaker took home a Best Actor Academy Award and BAFTA in 2007 for his terrifying yet brilliant portrayal of Ugandian dictator Idi Amin in The Last King of Scotland. James McAvoy co-stars as Nicholas Garrigan the Scottish doctor who is taken under the wing of Amin and becomes his personal physician.

Forest Whitaker is one of Hollywood's most accomplished actors/directors/producers who has showcased his talents in a multitude of demanding and diverse roles. Winning the Academy Award this year for Best Actor for his performance as Uganda dictator Idi Amin in The Last King of Scotland, Whitaker also received the Golden Globe, SAG and BAFTA Awards as Best Actor. Forest Whitaker Saturday, 15th July 1961 Longview, TX USA. Fast Times at Ridgemont High Charles Jefferson: 1982: Tag: The Assassination Game Atores principais: Jonathan Bennett, Mario Van Peebles, Talulah Riley, Tim Daly, Cody Christian, Giles Matthey, Rosa Salazar, Denzel Whitaker, Caleb Hunt, Willa Ford Data de lançamento: 27 Novembro 2015 Whitaker was born in Torrance, California, the son of Younalanda and Dale Whitaker. He was named after actor Denzel Washington. He disputed this fact on The Oprah Winfrey Show while promoting the movie The Great Debaters, only to learn later from his father that, in fact, Washington was his namesake. Forest Whitaker on "Criminal Minds" Spinoff. From "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" to his Academy Award-winning turn in "The Last King of Scotland," Forest Whitaker has been lighting up the big

Looking for more information on Forest Whitaker. Check out the below links, may contain affiliate links. Across the Web . Forest Whitaker Movies on Amazon ; Official Contact Information

Der Film wurde im Dezember 2016 veröffentlicht. 2018 spielte Whitaker in der Marvel Verfilmung Black Panther die Rolle des Zuri. Familie[Bearbeiten | Quelltext 

26. Febr. 2007 Der Schauspieler Forest Whitaker hat den Oscar als Bester Darsteller Persönlich fühle ich mich bei diesem Film belohnt, weil ich mich ganz